Saturday, June 11, 2011

KidLife Week

This past week Dawson held it's VBS, also known as KidLife Week. I, along with 3 other Moms and 1 amazing high school girl, taught a class of 19 five year olds. This was Logan's class, even though he will not be five for another month plus.
It was so fun to teach Logan and some of our good friends: Gracie and CE. I also loved getting to know so many other precious children. The theme of the week was built around Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". It was so wonderful to hear the kids saying the verse from memory by the end of the week. In addition to our Bible stories we also went to worship every day, where we sang songs in praise to God. The Bee's, our fun characters who lead worship through skits, songs, and verse, provided an incredible atmosphere for the children. The kids also had fun eating snack, playing at recreation, tons of special crafts, and just feeling God's love.
The day before KidLife started we all spent time decorating our rooms. Logan was asked by another class to be their model for their cut out character.
Here are a few pictures of our room.

I along with so many kids are already looking forward to KidLife 2012.

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