Thursday, September 17, 2009


We went to KTV for the first time last night. For those of you who don't know what KTV is, it is basically karaoke in a room that would probably sit about 10 - 12 friends. The buildings are extremely nice and have a huge song selection in both Chinese and English. KTV buildings are very popular because the Chinese love to go to KTV. We all had a wonderful time, even Logan participated! After KTV we had dinner with our friends Holly and Derrek. We had Beijing Duck. It was delicious. On the walk over to our house, we were able to see a rare treat. There is a plant that only blooms four hours a year. Our friends Holly and Derrek have lived in China their entires lives and have never been able to see the plant bloom. Once we stopped in the crowd of people to take a picture of the plant, the main attraction shifted. Everyone wanted to take a picture of Logan with the plant instead of just the plant alone. Logan did a good job cooperating. A little closer to home we were able to enjoy watching a fan dancing class. The ladies were so funny. Once Preston started taking pictures they all started smiling really big!! We had a great evening. We can't wait to share all of these experiences in person with those of you who will be able to make it over here for a trip!

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