Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Service Project Day

1 John 3:18 - let us not love in word or talk but in deed and truth.

Twice a year Westminster has a service project day.  Over the past few weeks all the first grade classes at Westminster collected food to take to the Christian ServicebMission.  This morning we took our food to the Mission.  After receiving a tour the girls went to make cards for Thanksgiving baskets and the boys sorted all the food our group brought with us.  The boys loved sorting the food.  

They were then allowed to eat any of the surplus bread...which they all thought was awesome.
The kids also loved the huge room refrigerator and huge room freezer.  All the ice cream they were given pretty much sealed the deal for this to be an incredible service project.  We loved all the staff and the Christian Service Mission is doing incredible work!

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