Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Upcoming Appointments

The little guys have several appointments over the next few weeks that we would really like lifted up to our Father.
-Tuesday, Nathan will return to the eye doctor. His eyes look like they are turning in a little and he is starting to look cross eyed some of the time.
-Wednesday, Owen sees his retinal specialist. His retina development is just a little behind in one of his eyes.
-Thursday, Nathan HEAR Center to receive his hearing aids and another hearing screening.
-Thursday, Nathan and Owen have home PT with Kristi.
-Monday week, Owen has a pulmonologist appointment. We would love for him to get off his oxygen at this time. Owen is really starting to hate his oxygen and tries to get his cannula out of his nose all the time.

The boys amount of therapy is increasing. They will now see Kristie 3x/month and Nathan will also begin seing Jane, Owen's PT at St Vincents. In October the boys will have a speech evaluation and start speech therapy at that time. In November they will begin seeing OT in home too.

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