Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Let me get right to what most of you are wanting to read. We got the results of Nathan's brain ultrasound. Everything in his brain looks about the same. The PVL is still there. Preston thought it looked a little smaller on this scan. The really good news is the PVL is not spreading and the doctors think it will not spread since it did not in this last month. Before Nathan goes home he will have an MRI that will give the neurosurgeon an accurate picture of what all we are looking at. Both Nathan and Owen's progress is going to be a journey. We are not anxious for the MRI or other test results. We spent a lot of time lifting this up to the Heavenly Father along with many of our friends and family. We know He is working things out exactly as He wants them to be. Both boys will need OT, PT and ST. We are excited to be talking to friends in those fields, getting their advice and help. We also hope to get the boys in an early intervention program for a while before we go back. The boys see an OT every day and she does exercises with them. She has said their muscle tone is very good.

Today was a big day for the boys. They were able to room in a crib together. The boys are very happy together and enjoy a little more room.

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