Thursday, February 11, 2010

Owen is turning into a big baby. He is now 1525 grams. We are very excited with his weight gain. He is also getting all of his feedings through the bottle, no more og tube!! Nathan lost a little weight and is down to 1220. He needs to start fattening up because that will really help him develop in every other area. When they first started pushing Owen to gain weight he was slow and would lose some here and there. We think Nathan is just in the same pattern and hope he will take off and gain lots of weight soon. Nathan's og feedings have changed. Normally they just let gravity put the feedings in and the entire feeding will go in and be done in about 2 minutes. Nathan was having a hard time getting all of his food so quickly. They are now putting his food in a pump and putting it in the og over 30 minutes. This time is more realistic like a bottle or nursing where it normally takes around 30 minutes for the entire feed.
Prayer Request:
Owen - to progress with his breathing and get off all assistance, to gain weight
Nathan - the complete removal of the PVL from his brain, good consistent weight gain, complete restoration on his hand, healing of his eyes, progress with his breathing

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