Sunday, January 24, 2010

Big Boys

Nathan and Owen are getting better. Both of them gained a lot of weight last night. Nathan gained 15 grams and is up to 1175 grams. Owen gained 60 grams so he is up to 1150. They are both getting so big. Once they make it to 1250 grams they will be able to wear clothes. At this weight they figure they can maintain their body temperature. Nathan took a small step back from his nasal canula to a CPAP machine. This just gives him a little more forced pressure behind his oxygen. He is doing well on low settings but is still forgetting to breath at times. Please pray his brain would develop and he would remember to breath all the time. I was able to hold him for about 45 minutes today and we both loved our time together. Owen is doing well with his breathing. His biggest concerns are gaining weight (which he made a pretty good dent in last night) and his eyes. The retna specialist will come back tomorrow for a 1 week follow-up appointment. We should know at that time how last weeks treatment worked. Owen is now up to 2 bottles a day!! He is doing well on his feedings. Some times it takes him some time to get the hang of the bottle, but he quickly gets it and loves it. Preston and I are loving having them at the same hospital. We are able to spend so much more quality time with each of them. Thank you so much for all of your prayers for them. God is literally using you to change their lives through asking him to intervene.

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